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W50 Branch Information

Wellington W50 Branch covers the two Local Authorities areas of Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin. We also have a number of representatives at private sector workplaces like Veolia and Faccenda.

The Branch meets every third Friday of every month (except August & December) at Dawley Social Club, King Street, Dawley, Telford TF4 2AG at 6pm.

The agenda covers areas such as workplace reports, delegate’s reports particularly from the Shropshire & Telford Trades Council and dispersal of Union funds.

The Branch has two of functional officers who are:

  • President: Charlie Tranter
  • Secretary: Graham Bould

with two auditors, a youth officer and an equalities officer.

The Branch has taken up a number of local campaigns including the support of the Teaching Assistants Pledge. At forthcoming meetings members will be encouraged to debate the forthcoming Referendum on membership of the EU and to receive feedback from our two delegates who will be attending Congress 2016.  


Posted: 3rd March 2016

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